/** Example 002 Quake3Map
This Tutorial shows how to load a Quake 3 map into the engine, create a
SceneNode for optimizing the speed of rendering, and how to create a user
controlled camera.
Please note that you should know the basics of the engine before starting this
tutorial. Just take a short look at the first tutorial, if you haven't done
this yet: http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/tut001.html
Lets start like the HelloWorld example: We include the irrlicht header files
and an additional file to be able to ask the user for a driver type using the
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <IrrPhysx.h>
#include "ShapeCreation.h"
bool keys[irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT];
class MyEventReceiver : public IEventReceiver
virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
if(event.EventType == irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT)
keys[event.KeyInput.Key] = event.KeyInput.PressedDown;
return false;
return false;
As already written in the HelloWorld example, in the Irrlicht Engine everything
can be found in the namespace 'irr'. To get rid of the irr:: in front of the
name of every class, we tell the compiler that we use that namespace from now
on, and we will not have to write that 'irr::'. There are 5 other sub
namespaces 'core', 'scene', 'video', 'io' and 'gui'. Unlike in the HelloWorld
example, we do not call 'using namespace' for these 5 other namespaces, because
in this way you will see what can be found in which namespace. But if you like,
you can also include the namespaces like in the previous example.
using namespace irr;
using namespace IrrPhysx;
using namespace core;
using namespace scene;
using namespace video;
IPhysxManager* physxManager = NULL;
core::array<SPhysxAndNodePair*> objects;
f32 objectDensity = 50;
Again, to be able to use the Irrlicht.DLL file, we need to link with the
Irrlicht.lib. We could set this option in the project settings, but to make it
easy, we use a pragma comment lib:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment(lib, "Irrlicht.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "IrrPhysX.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "PhysXLoader.lib")
Ok, lets start. Again, we use the main() method as start, not the WinMain().
int main()
{ MyEventReceiver rv;
Like in the HelloWorld example, we create an IrrlichtDevice with
createDevice(). The difference now is that we ask the user to select
which video driver to use. The Software device might be
too slow to draw a huge Quake 3 map, but just for the fun of it, we make
this decision possible, too.
// ask user for driver
video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType;
printf("Please select the driver you want for this example:\n"\
" (a) Direct3D 9.0c\n (b) Direct3D 8.1\n © OpenGL 1.5\n"\
" (d) Software Renderer\n (e) Burning's Software Renderer\n"\
" (f) NullDevice\n (otherKey) exit\n\n");
char i;
std::cin >> i;
case 'a': driverType = video::EDT_DIRECT3D9;break;
case 'b': driverType = video::EDT_DIRECT3D8;break;
case 'c': driverType = video::EDT_OPENGL; break;
case 'd': driverType = video::EDT_SOFTWARE; break;
case 'e': driverType = video::EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO;break;
case 'f': driverType = video::EDT_NULL; break;
default: return 1;
// create device and exit if creation failed
IrrlichtDevice *device =
createDevice(driverType, core::dimension2d<s32>(1024, 768),24,false,false,false,&rv);
if (device == 0)
return 1; // could not create selected driver.
Get a pointer to the video driver and the SceneManager so that
we do not always have to call irr::IrrlichtDevice::getVideoDriver() and
for(int x=0; x<irr::KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT; x++) keys[x] = false;
video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver();
scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device->getSceneManager();
To display the Quake 3 map, we first need to load it. Quake 3 maps
are packed into .pk3 files which are nothing else than .zip files.
So we add the .pk3 file to our irr::io::IFileSystem. After it was added,
we are able to read from the files in that archive as if they are
directly stored on the disk.
Now we can load the mesh by calling
irr::scene::ISceneManager::getMesh(). We get a pointer returned to an
irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh. As you might know, Quake 3 maps are not
really animated, they are only a huge chunk of static geometry with
some materials attached. Hence the IAnimatedMesh consists of only one
frame, so we get the "first frame" of the "animation", which is our
quake level and create an OctTree scene node with it, using
The OctTree optimizes the scene a little bit, trying to draw only geometry
which is currently visible. An alternative to the OctTree would be a
irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode, which would always draw the complete
geometry of the mesh, without optimization. Try it: Use
irr::scene::ISceneManager::addMeshSceneNode() instead of
addOctTreeSceneNode() and compare the primitives drawn by the video
driver. (There is a irr::video::IVideoDriver::getPrimitiveCountDrawn()
method in the irr::video::IVideoDriver class). Note that this
optimization with the OctTree is only useful when drawing huge meshes
consisting of lots of geometry.
SSceneDesc sceneDesc;
physxManager = createPhysxManager(device, sceneDesc);
scene::IMesh* mesh = smgr->getMesh("20kdm2.bsp")->getMesh(0);
scene::ISceneNode* node = 0;
SPhysxAndNodePair* pair = new SPhysxAndNodePair;
core::vector3df pos(0,0,0);
core::vector3df rot(0,0,0);
core::vector3df scale(2,2,2);
for (u32 i = 0 ; i < mesh->getMeshBufferCount() ; i++) {
IPhysxMesh* physxMesh = physxManager->createTriangleMesh(mesh->getMeshBuffer(i), scale);
pair->PhysxObject = physxManager->createTriangleMeshObject(physxMesh, scale,rot);
pair->SceneNode = smgr->addMeshSceneNode(mesh, NULL, -1, pos, rot, scale);
pair->SceneNode->setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_NORMALIZE_NORMALS, true);
//if (mesh)
//node = smgr->addOctTreeSceneNode(mesh, 0, -1, 1024);
// node = smgr->addMeshSceneNode(mesh->getMesh(0));
Because the level was not modelled around the origin (0,0,0), we
translate the whole level a little bit. This is done on
irr::scene::ISceneNode level using the methods
irr::scene::ISceneNode::setPosition() (in this case),
irr::scene::ISceneNode::setRotation(), and
//if (node)
Now we only need a camera to look at the Quake 3 map.
We want to create a user controlled camera. There are some
cameras available in the Irrlicht engine. For example the
MayaCamera which can be controlled like the camera in Maya:
Rotate with left mouse button pressed, Zoom with both buttons pressed,
translate with right mouse button pressed. This could be created with
irr::scene::ISceneManager::addCameraSceneNodeMaya(). But for this
example, we want to create a camera which behaves like the ones in
first person shooter games (FPS) and hence use
scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = smgr->addCameraSceneNodeFPS();
The mouse cursor needs not be visible, so we hide it via the
//objects.push_back(createSphereFromCamera(physxManager, smgr, driver, camera, 8, objectDensity));
We have done everything, so lets draw it. We also write the current
frames per second and the primitives drawn into the caption of the
window. The test for irr::IrrlichtDevice::isWindowActive() is optional,
but prevents the engine to grab the mouse cursor after task switching
when other programs are active. The call to
irr::IrrlichtDevice::yield() will avoid the busy loop to eat up all CPU
cycles when the window is not active.
int lastFPS = -1;
s32 lastTime = device->getTimer()->getTime();
objects.push_back(createSphereFromCamera(physxManager, smgr, driver, camera, 8, objectDensity));
s32 timeNow = device->getTimer()->getTime();
s32 elapsedTime = timeNow - lastTime;
lastTime = timeNow;
// Set the physics simulation going
// Whilst we're waiting we can do some non-physics related work
// you must NEVER add/move physics objects whilst the simulation
// is being done though, doing so will cause all kinds of horrible crashes!
core::stringw strw;
strw = "FPS: ";
strw += driver->getFPS();
strw = "Num Objects: ";
strw += physxManager->getNumPhysxObjects();
// Wait for the physics simulation to finish
// Update our objects to the correct transformations
for (u32 i = 0 ; i < objects.size() ; i++)
driver->beginScene(true, true, video::SColor(255,200,200,200));
int fps = driver->getFPS();
if (lastFPS != fps)
core::stringw str = L"Irrlicht Engine - Quake 3 Map example [";
str += driver->getName();
str += "] FPS:";
str += fps;
lastFPS = fps;
In the end, delete the Irrlicht device.
physxManager = 0;
return 0;
That's it. Compile and play around with the program.